
Showing posts from August, 2022




 1. Based on the evidence from the video i think the probability of life outside of earth is very high . My reaction to seeing the earth from mars was surprising because it looks to tiny . my reaction to hearing the sound of a black hole was amusing because i never explained it to sound like that . It puts my life into perspective because i never knew that and also it shocked me how small earth is compared to the whole universe 


 In class we talked about orgin myths . I learned that an orgin myth is a story that is believed to be untrue . We also talked legend , i learned that is a story that is not true and not proven. Class was really good today because in class my teacher also showed some teenage hood pictures, or the different people he was. He was basically trying to find himself . I feel like i learned a lot in class today 


 Today in class we talked about purpose. Purpose is the drive to do something or doing something meaningful. Also in class we watched a video describing different ways people are . I made a connection to the video because there was a person that knew that answer was wrong so he put the right one. I applied that to my life because i can relate 


 Today in class i learned about formal and informal language. I learned that formal language includes no slang , no contractions , standard punctuation and sophisticated vocabulary. Also i learned that informal language includes everyday words and expressions, contractions , simple sentences and slang . For example when you are going for an interview you would use formal language and if you are talking to a friend you would use informal language.


 My name is Laila Small , I go by the name Laii . I am 16 years old . Im originally from Atlanta Georgia. What i like to do for fun is cook and do my hair. One academic goal i have for this year is to get all a’s . Another goal i have is to be able to name all the essentials for my health care class . Also i am looking forward to passing all my classes this year .